Thursday, May 16, 2013

4 years of marital bliss

I can't believe it! We have been married 4 years!! It is incredible how fast time goes and how much has happened during that time. 
We have been so blessed to have purchased a home in our first year of marriage and now we are in our second home. We have a darling child together. We already finish each others sentences and know one another better than we know ourselves. G and I are best friends. 
He is the best daddy to our boy. H adores G. He gives him the biggest smiles and loudest giggles. 
We went to IHOP for our anniversary breakfast. H felt so big sitting on the seat next to his dad. He loved the pancakes and orange juice too! We went to breakfast instead of dinner because G had to go to the airport on our anniversary to fly out to St. Louis for work. (Talk about lame) it was hard saying goodbye especially since it was our anniversary and I'm a clingy girl but he gets home today. (Only one night away) I'm so thankful to how hard G works for our family. He's doing so well at work and I'm so proud of him. 
We love EBay!!!!!
I love my family! I am so thankful for the choice I made to be married to the BEST guy 4 years ago. Now I have the best little family. Happy anniversary sweet hubby! I love you!

Monday, May 13, 2013

First Mothers Day!

I got to celebrate being a mom on Mother's Day for the first time this year. I can't tell you how special it is to know that I am a mommy! I love my boy and he is the best gift. Being his mom is all I've ever wanted in this life. Lets just say G and H also took great care of me on this day too! 
I got cute notes everywhere around the house and an adorable necklace and shirt. G cooked me dinner, massaged my neck and feet, gave me coupons for a nap and even cleaned up the massive poop blowout that H had :) I'm spoiled and I love my boys!! 
Happy Mothers Day!! 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I love to see the temple... I will go inside someday

As a little girl I loved to sing "I love to see the temple." I can't believe I'm not that little girl singing that song anymore. I'm that woman that went through the temple for my own endowment exactly 4 years ago. I am reaping the benefits and blessings of the temple on a daily basis. Reflecting back I am so thankful for the choices I made that led me to enter into that holy place. Let me also say that I am so grateful for primary. Learning at a young age, the importance of eternal families and temple blessing has helped me tremendously. The temple is such a beautiful and holy place. I have felt so much comfort and peace inside the walls of our Lords house. Not to mention how beautiful a temple sealing I had as well, but that's for another post (in one week!!) 
I'm so blessed. I Love my Heavenly Father. I am thankful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The only true church upon the earth. The temple is a testament for Gods love for all His children. I'm so thankful I went inside and was able to receive the gift of my own endowment. I recommend all who haven't reached this point yet, to strive to enter the temple. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Motherhood: It IS the greatest gift

It doesn't matter how you become a mother. Whether its by an unexpected pregnancy or a planned one. Through the fiery trial of fertility or adoption. I know one thing with surety now. Being a mother is by far the greatest gift and joy that you can possibly experience in this life as a woman.
Sure, there are days of complete and utter exhaustion. Days where you can barely put your clothes on because your time is spent 100% doing what your child needs or catering to their needs. Times where you seriously cry because your child is awake and 2 hours of sleep is just not enough. Times where you seriously changed eleven poopy diapers on top of getting peed on and poop all over... But then comes the reward.
Getting to hold the sweet baby in your arms and nurse him/her back to sleep. Watching your child achieve new milestones and grow each and every day into the person they are meant to be. What a gift! Watching their excitement as Daddy gets home. Receiving the best smile from them that only a mommy gets. Hearing them giggle. More so, making them giggle. Hearing their first words over and over, and even though it's "dada"you couldn't be more proud! Crying randomly because looking into their eyes brings you to an elated state of joy and happiness when you can see how beautiful, innocent, and Christlike they are. We get to be mothers to them! We get to be the ones who nurture them. Who wipe their tears, boogers, and bumb. It is our calling as woman to experience all the struggle but most of all, the reward that our children bring into our lives.
I've been reflecting a lot on motherhood and what I want to be for my Son and future children. I know for a fact that I don't know much, but I do know that the greatest gift is motherhood and also the greatest responsibility comes with that. My children need to know how much I love them and how much I love The Lord. The best way I can do that is by enjoying every minute. Serving others and serving my family with all that I have. Giving them time instead of excuses. Sharing my testimony through words and deeds. It's so much easier said than done, but looking at my darling boy today I am determined more than ever to make the gift of being his mom count. I will fail on some days but I hope to succeed on as many days as I can. We need to be the mothers that our children deserve and that Heavenly Father asks us to be. I need to be a good mom. After all, children are a gift and they need their moms. My son needs me.

Together Forever

Together Forever

Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family