Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Little miss homemaker

I'm so proud of myself lately! I know many woman are successful at cooking dinner every night but I always had no motivation while working and taking care of my little guy. Since I resigned from my job I have cooked every single night (minus the wedding dinner and wedding night for my sister in law) and I feel good! It's so nice to make dinner instead of buy it and never have anything in the fridge. Our fridge has been full of left overs that help solve the "what am I going to eat for lunch or snack" dilemma, I so commonly used to have. I feel like a happier person and a better wife as well. I know much is contributed to not being overly exhausted with work on top of taking care of H and all the other things that have to get done.I know that I am truly blessed to get to stay home because some woman can't but this girl loves just being with my little boy all day. House chores are also less of a chore somehow.. I will contribute it to the extra energy not spent working. Well I rant is over... Just so glad to be home with my boy and get to feel like a homemaker to the fullest :)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Stay at Home Mom

Well it is now official! I am no longer employed. I have officially resigned with JetBlue and I am going to keep the title of "stay at home mom" full time. It's a big change to go from two incomes to one (even though I don't contribute much anyway) but we have felt that I needed to be able to watch our boy 100% when needs be, since Greg has to travel for work and work from home. H is also not the easiest baby and so by me not working any longer G will be able to get his work done. It will also be less stress on us because taking care of a fussy child and working takes a toll on you. It also makes working out and spending quality time as a family very difficult also. We have prayed about it and we felt that this was the best thing for our family. I know that Heavenly Father blesses us as we follow in His ways. We are so blessed to be where we are and to have our darling little boy. I am so excited to just be a Mom and have no other job title for a while. There is truly nothing more rewarding to me than motherhood. Now to start budgeting... I need to learn how to use coupons, spend less at Costco, and to be creative in cooking every night and not crave fast food... Any tips, pointers, suggestions, advice, etc is welcome! Here's to a bright future!!
"The future is as bright as your faith" -Gordon B. Hinckley

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


After a much shorter stay at my moms then intended, in the beginning,we will be moving into our brand new home!! (Finally) this weekend! Feel free to help us with those muscles you have because moving is a doozy! Hopefully this will be the last move ever...or for at least 20years or more.
As for why we are moving now instead of the original plan, is because building our home didn't pan out as easy and affordable as we planned. I honestly know that Heavenly Father set us on our path to move into this other home instead. We could not be more happy and excited about location and the fact that it's brand new and never been occupied! It has all our needs and many of our wants. Especially granite countertops and an island!! Also, no more sharing a driveway!! We feel so very blessed and we can't wait for the opportunity we have to raise our children in a good home with a great neighborhood and ward! Yay for new adventures!

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Together Forever

Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family