Saturday, January 26, 2013

Family Christmas

This Christmas was the best that we have ever had. It didn't have boxes it didn't have bags it didn't come in packages or have anything with tags. No this Christmas was different and nothing like the last. This Christmas the only gift we had was a bundle of joy that made us a family and that's way way better than toys!
We love our little man and we couldn't feel more blessed. It was so difficult last Christmas to celebrate with family and struggling to know if we would ever have a child of our own. We couldn't ask for a better gift in this life. Christmas is about our Savior and the life he lived that made it possible for us to be families forever. Growing our forever family is such a gift. We feel so blessed to be parents. I love being a mom and I'm grateful for a Christmas where the only present isn't anything wordly at all. It was my Son! Our gift this year is family!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Being a mommy to a sick baby boy :(

The holidays came and went, but unfortunately we received something we didn't want from the Christmas celebrations. My poor boy caught the nasty cold/flu virus going around. I can honestly say that having your child sick is such an emotional thing (well at least for me). He struggled so much to breathe and with that, not only was he not sleeping but I was terrified to sleep even when he was, for fear he would stop breathing. It took 3.5 weeks to get over his sickness. Thank goodness he is finally better.
As soon as he was doing well it was his 2month doctor check and those shots were something that broke my heart even more. To see his sad little face as he was in pain I wanted to cry. I've never heard such a sad cry in my entire life. It's as if he was speaking to me saying "mom I trusted you to take care if me and now your letting this nurse hurt me :(..) my poor boy. The mild fever and discomfort for the next few days stunk too. I sure love taking care of him though. Even when he feels awful he still smiles at his mommy and I know right then and there that I have the greatest job in the world. Being his mom even when he's crying, not sleeping, or fussy. He's the greatest gift!

Together Forever

Together Forever

Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family