Thursday, February 7, 2013

First Night Away

Greg and I have been married for almost 4 years and until just recently, have never had a day where we haven't seen each other nor spent a night apart from each other. Well... we can finally cross that off our list.
Greg went to Phoenix for a leadership conference with eBay for 4 days and left Hayden and I home by ourselves. I know I'm an absolute baby but I don't do "alone" well at all. To top that off we stayed up until 2am the night before and woke up at 6 to get him to the airport in time. I thought I'd be able to come home and take a nap, but Hayden had no intentions of going back to sleep. So.. We stayed up. Then went to a baby blessing. He was good long enough to get through the blessing then cried the rest of the letting so we spent the rest of church bouncing his full 15lbs up and down while getting weird looks as he cried (imagine that..a baby that cries lol) after those events we went to my moms to kill sometime watching the Super Bowl but he just wouldn't have it. Super fussy! So we went home, he got his routine bath and was fed.. Still no sleeping. This first night away was hard. I broke down, probably due to lack of sleep, and decided to just lay in bed with him and cuddle him until he was finally out. Finally he gave in and fell asleep! Yay!
The next day was light years better. He was an angel! So happy! Not gassy! He woke up laughing and smiling and talking to himself. (Heavenly Father knows how much I can take) then the rest of the days flew by as I filled them with things that kill time!
We finally picked Greg up at the airport and had a very sweet family reunion together. Hayden missed his daddy. He gave him big smiles and played with daddy for a while and then went to sleep like an angel.
My heart goes out to those women who are military wives. I personally don't have it in me for that. I can tell you that distance has made me appreciate the smells things that my hubby does on a daily basis. I also realize that having a child is a two person job and even of I'm only relieved for a few min each day by Greg holding the baby; it keeps me sane.i love my little boy and I love my hubby. This was our newest adventure. We are stronger from this small experience. There will be many more nights spent apart, but we made it through the first. :)

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