Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My big 2 year old!

I can't believe my little baby boy is 2 years old!! He has grown up without my permission. I just brought him home from the hospital I swear! 
We took him to get his picture taken and unfortunately he was sick the day we took him. He had a really bad double ear infection. You can see it in his eyes but we sill got some happy pictures. He's such a sweetheart. 
Here are a few of my faborites...
Little gangster
Future quarterback
Little monkey jumping on the bed
My cuddle monkey 
Priceless scrunch face 
Okay.. Too grown up looking am I right? 

We love our sweet H so very much! He is still the softest hearted boy. He might push his brother around but he gives him hugs and kisses all the time too. He is just so tender and loving to G and I.

For his birthday we took him to jungle Jims playground. It was super fun! He loved his minion cake I made.
I think Kevin turned out pretty good
Eating cupcakes (egg free) with cousin Ethan
He rode many rides with his daddy 
Of course this was the only picture o was in the entire night with the birthday boy. 
It was such a fun party and it was s nice to not have to clean up afterwards. (Winter parties can be hard) thank you to all friends and family members who came to support H on his special day! 

We love our H. He is a very loved boy. We are so thankful he's in our family. Happy Birthday buddy!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween 2014

This Halloween was very fun and tiring all in one! I got wrist surgery the day before and so it made things a little more difficult than usual. I have a hard time changing diapers, dressing the kiddos, doing my own hair, holding the boys, etc. My wrist is pretty sensitive and swollen and I can't put more than a pound of pressure in my hand. 
Most of all.. It's ugly sausage fingers and it makes me feel less of a capable mom. I've relied on G to do most diaper changes and loading the kids in the car seats because I can't even do that. 
We started Halloween off by going to G's company Halloween trick or treating at the Ebay building. 
H got the hang of trick or treating very quickly. He was also very good at only taking one (I was very surprised)!
We attempted to get some pictures together with the boys inside but it proved too difficult... Seriously this is the best we got. So.. We went outside and got a few much better ones
H was a lion and D was a skunk! They both were the cutest little animals around! 
I failed at the themed family Halloween this year... So I'll just blame it on my wrist surgery. The boys looked cute and that is all that matters right?
For The first part of trick or treating G took the boys in a small circle up the street and back.
He did not last long. It is definitely exhausting hauling  two children door to door. D loved helping pass out candy!
When he returned I ended up taking just H trick or treating up another street and down. It proved much more difficult with me only having one hand and him not wanting to walk. I brought the wagon but I still had to lift him and carry him to each door. It was worth all the trouble because he really enjoyed trick-or-treating.
When we decided it was too exhausting to trick-or-treat in our neighborhood up and down the hills with such a young child we headed over to my moms house and trick-or-treat it in style. We hopped on a four wheeler and drove from door to door getting great candy! Her neighborhood definitely gives out the best! H got about six full-size candy bars and I really enjoyed going to one of her neighbors who gives out donuts and hot chocolate.
We got home late but the boys really had a blast! All in all it was a wonderful Halloween.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Life Lately

See this handsome boy? Well we have been working on praying with him and on day 2 I was at the hospital and G found him kneeling by his bed waiting and ready to pray. He loves praying. He also loves to remind us of what to pray about. His favorite subjects are: grandma horsey, nana and papa, brother, mom and dad, and pillow and bed. 
There is something so sweet and innocent about children praying. I truly believe prayer is familiar to children and that they love speak in you Our Father in Heaven. 
The weather is starting to get colder and Fall is full swing. We have our home decorated for Halloween and I'm so excited for their costumes this year. D will be a skunk and H will be a lion. We aren't doing a family theme this year but I figure an animal theme for the boys works. 
This is H playing king of the rock at the neighbors. That plastic lawn mower is his.. He loves taking it everywhere. 
You can't tell but D is smiling because he's standing on his feet while I hold him up. He loves to stand but has no idea on how to move his feet forward. 
Bedtime is one of my favorite times of day. I'm one very lucky woman to get help with it almost ever single night. The boys love their daddy!
You can see partially the goofy face G is making here but both him and H are pulling funny faces and getting D to giggle. Moments like these melt me!
H also enjoys cuddling many things to go to sleep. 
"Birdy" is a favorite!
I'm one happy mamma when I get one of these carts to grocery shop with! Yay!!! As many of you already know... Grocery shopping with 2 young children is THE worst!! This cart makes it a lot more bearable.
I'm really enjoying cutting D's hair! This was one of my favorite cuts so far! He looks so darling with a Mohawk! 
Oh and being outside.. That's the best thing for this boy! He could play in the sand for hours! 
Did I mention that he loves his "grandma horsey?" Oh yep!! He sure does!! His very first horse ride was a success!! 
I feel like I document my life better with pictures than words. Here is a picture I took of these two just hanging out in the morning together. 
Baby D's first Mohawk! (He has much less hair than his brother) but I still love the wispy hawk! 
We also ended up going to Olive Garden for lunch the other day because there was a $5 lunch deal for soup, salad, and breadsticks! (I'm not one to pass up on food)
H got serious about putting the stickers on the page. I must say they were a hit while waiting for food.
D is pro at the straw and was loving drinking out of the big boy cup! 
H worked his way over to grandma horsey to sit next to her instead of mommy. He seriously loves my mom! 
He was also so cute to my grandma. He gave her hugs and kisses along with my mom. He is a little lover! 
Life is so fun with my handsome boys!! D loves kitty! 
Did I mention he also likes chocolate? Oh and so chocolate teddy grams fall into the love category.. As well as messy category.
Life can be hard as a stay at home mom, but there is truly so much more beauty in the moments when spending your days with the loves of your life! My heart is so full from being a mother two my two incredible boys. I'm so thankful for them! 
I am so thankful for a sweet and loving husband who works so hard for us to enable me the ability to raise our children instead of someone else. Many aren't as fortunate to stay at home, but I am very blessed to be able to do so. 
I have been very blessed as well to be able to work on weekends as a "queen" my small princess business has been keeping me busy and has helped so much with many unexpected bills that have come up. My cousin also joined me this month and we are hoping to expand as a duo. 
Party With My Favorite Princesses! 
Well.. That's life lately! 

Monday, September 8, 2014

My stinker monkey

H is growing into a little boy! He's no longer a baby (even though he always will be my baby)
His speech is coming in stronger on a daily basis. He is putting many words together and has a large vocabulary that gets added to almost daily as well. 
He loves to be naked and goofy! I get this face when he sees himself in the camera. He's full of it!! 
He really is just a little man sometimes! I couldn't resist the photo opportunity when he was sitting like this!
He loves putting things on his head or wearing sun glasses. I think it's probably because he gets extra attention. He is a little goof ball!
H has truly been struggling lately with the worst case of stranger anxiety. He will only go to 3 other people (not including us) he loves to be social but he gets so scared and stressed out in new environments. I think a lot of this was brought on by his doctor visits and allergy issues. We are trying hard to get him to go to nursery without one of us in there, but after he screams for 15 min by the door I always go in and sit with him. He won't let me put him down. This can get difficult with holding baby D. G has to teach gospel doctrine so I have the 2 munchkins by myself. Let's just say that sometimes I feel inactive and go home after sacrament. Having church during nap time also does not help at all. 
H loves me! You could say he's a mammas boy, but the truth is... He LOVES his dad more than anyone in this world! He will run and scream when G gets home from work! He loves playing with his daddy! He adores Greg! I'm a little jealous, but it truly is the sweetest thing to watch the way he adores his dad. G is the best dad!! 
H sleeps so cute! I love sneaking in and taking pictures of him! This was one of my favorite sleeping poses! 
We love our cute boy! He really is a stinker monkey! He is full of personality and had the softest sweetest heart! He is really good at saying sorry. He still signs it vs. saying it because it's easier to sign and G taught him the sign. We are working on the "no hitting" so time puts happen often but are short lived.
The cutest thing happened. One Saturday morning the boys were awake and we were all hanging out on our bed. G got a charley horse and quickly said "get H off of me" I hurried and H thought his daddy was in pain and mad at him because he didn't understand so he grabbed G tight and started signing sorry over and over while crying. Poor kid thought he did something wrong for Dad to not want to be with him. I felt so bad but it was so cute to see how soft hearted he is, and also how much he loves his dad. I love my sweet H! 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

D's half birthday (6 months old)

Holy cow!! Time is at warp speed with this little man. Derek is getting so big!! It truly feels like I blink and he's already half a year old! How can that be? H did not grow up this quick! I suppose it has a lot to do with him being the 2nd child and so we are juggling the two kids instead of a sole focus going to one kiddo! 
D looks absolutely like his mamma!! Even Grandma horsey (my mom) stated that she feels like she's looking at me "reincarnated". At least we know where he got his looks from right? 
He is truly one happy child! He rarely fusses. He is a trooper. I went on antibiotics for a major bronchial infection and sinus infection, and the antibiotics caused D to get thrush! We are still battling it and trying to get rid of it! It is not very easy to do. I'm pretty sure H has it now too from stealing the binkis and sticking them in his mouth. Enough about that though..
D is sitting up all by himself! He can roll over but it's a rare occasion that he does. He's very content sitting up or laying on bis back. He's hilarious when playing with toys! He especially likes any wrapper that crinkles. The best part is that he throws a full blown tantrum if he ever drops a wrapper or toy that he's playing with. It's adorable (probably because he's still young) 
He's quite the chunkster! He's currently on 12 month clothing! 
He was an angel baby at auntie Kar Kar and uncle Ryan's wedding this past weekend. I must say he also looked very handsome. I made his cute bow tie! (Thanks aunt Beca for the help and pattern)
He loves his daddy! And we sure love his big happy smiles!
Aren't my boys so incredibly handsome?? (I'll answer that!! Yes!!)
The boys love hanging with Daddy!
I'm also so in love with how much D loves his brother H! Those boys are going to be best buds! D lights up when he sees me, but he really lights up with H. I'm so happy they get to go through life together being buds and so close on age!
I had to pu this picture in here! He loves giving open mouth slobber kisses to me! He won't kiss Greg because he hates the scruff! Apparently my cheeks are just the right softness and I'm much obliged to get his sweet slobber kisses!
Happy 6 months my sweet sweet D! We love you more than words can express! 

Together Forever

Together Forever

Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family