Every month flies past us like a bullet train lately except for those last few days before my cycle is due. I'm not sure why our minds can shut up and just stay clear from baby thoughts, but we always hold on to the "hope" that maybe, just maybe this month might be our lucky one. The sad but true fact is that we have yet to have our little miracle. We watch the miracles around us and they make us so happy, but the ache has yet to subside. The pressure builds every month that we have been on this new medication and I am so scared that it is getting our hopes of that our "issue" of me having high prolactin hormone count is the only thing that has been stopping us from getting pregnant. So now I need ideas to keep my mind off of it. How can I stay busy on top of work? Does anyone know something that makes you so busy that you forget about everything else?
To top the level of desire... At the end of this month 2 years ago we found out that we were pregnant... and a few weeks later miscarried. Its super depressing to have two years go by after getting pregnant and still be struggling to get pregnant.
So yes today is my day of feeling down and feeling like i deserve to think about what might have been and what could be for the future. but I do need to keep my mind off of it so any pointers will help.. but please don't get give me the (pray,scriptures,think of my blessings,etc) Ive tried those they help but i need an outlet.